Monday, October 29, 2007

So, What's The Latest On The Dark Knight Movie?

Glad you asked!

Well, last time I updated you on the status of the Dark Knight Viral Marketing Campaign, The Candle in the Jack-o-Lantern on the site was burning down. Seemingly pointing to a Halloween event of some sort. Now we have a clue as to what the Big Reveal, this time around, will be. The Pumpkin is starting to rot... On one side. This is giving it the appearance of a famous bat-villain who happens to be my favorite. To find out who it is, take the number of Faces you have, and multiply it by Two.

(If you get the wrong answer then I am very sorry for you, because you are either badly deformed or very bad at math.)

The Big Reveal at the end of the first Online Publicity Stunt was our first look at the Heath Ledger's Joker. Could we be hours away from The Big Reveal of Aaron Eckhart's TwoFace? I think we are!

I'll keep you posted! See you in... A day and a half!
That's it for the Post-A Palooza! I'll try and keep things a little more even from now on, and not regurgitate 5 posts at once onto you.

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