Wednesday, November 28, 2007

If You've Seen One Food Court, You've Seen A Mall

Over-Commercialized Thanksmas Carols
  1. Hark, The Victoria's Secret "Angels" Sing - Actually, singing is not their strong suit, but we love to watch them try.
  2. Frosty the Beverage - For a Happy, Jolly Soul, Try dipping your French Fries in it.
  3. Do You Phone What iPhone? Can you hear what I hear Now? Good.
  4. Wii Three Kings - Because Who wants Frankincense and Myrhh, anyway?
  5. The Little "Guitar Hero" Boy - Rocking until that Stable Becomes Unstable!
  6. The 120 Days of Christmas - ...49 Computers Computing, 48 Microwaves Microwaving, 47...
  7. Go Rest at Merry Cinnabon - And let absolutely nothing you dismay.
  8. O Little Town of - dreaming a "Deep and Dreamless Sleep" now.
  9. Rudolph, The Red Bull Reindeer - It gave him wings!
  10. EBay in a manger - Auction for "Bethlehem Hotel Room" closes in 0d, 0h, 5m, 24s.


Anonymous said...

Did you come up with that?

If so, nice job.

Anonymous said...

Well done, oh Wordsmith


Frank Gibson said...

Yes, I wrote this post myself. It is sad that I have to say that. I thought briefly about claiming credit for it up front, but then thought that would be tooting my own horn a little too much. But then again, most of what we see on the web is recycled material from some other source. Maybe I will go get a creative commons license for this post, before I see it on a t-shirt.