Saturday, October 13, 2007

My Inlaws Return!

Ma and Pa Carter are due to be at my house in thirty minutes. I am not sure what we/they have planned for today, but I think it will involve my kitchen. If we do any more terrible damage to my house, I will post photos.

Last night was the best night I have ever had at the pizza joint where I am a server. After splitting my tips with the folks who helped me out, I walked away with over 80 bucks! But the best news was how smoothly everything ran to get there. Usually if we do that much business, I am tearing my hair out at some point. Not last night though. Everything went smooth as silk. Hoping for a repeat performance tonight!

Toot and PC hung out together on the bed last night. Toot has been gradually warming up to sharing her living quarters with other quadrupeds, but until last night she hadn't truly relaxed within three feet of another cat. As prevoiusly mentioned, PC is fine with things, but Marbles now only comes in the house to grab a bite to eat and boogie back out the catflap.

Well, I'm off to go do innovative things with a table saw... so, ciao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great tips!I assume you served everyone with strawphylactics ;-)
